Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Blogging--A waste of time?

Well, I got up at 8:30 this morning planning to go out to run... right after I checked my email... oh, and then I had to check...the blogs. Now it is 9:35 and I haven't read any new posts, since last night, but I scanned through some of my favorite pictures and comments from the blogs. I have to agree with Rachel about how much I love this way of staying close, and sharing our thoughts and lives with each other. Thanks to Amber for starting it all in our little group. It starts my day happy and sentimental as I see my family on the screen, and feel all that love in my heart. I love all the comments too because of the support they offer, and feelings shared. So is it a waste of time, I don't think so.


Greg & Andrea said...

I agree with you Mom. it's not a waste of time but.....i totally know what you mean about spending a good hour on the computer before you even realize it. But if it's time spent checking in on family and friends it's worth it.

Rachel B said...

Yes, I feel the same way. But I hardley ever watch TV anymore!

I miss you guys. What is all this talk about seeing your girls again soon? Are you all planning to come out here at all?

Tom said...

I couldnt agree more, sometimes i just cant stop blogging, i mean once i start i cant stop. All the reading and posting and typing and more posting. Hours will go by and all i have done is BLOG. It's just so much fun! :)